SolOne » Engineering Solutions

Join the SolOne network !


The SolOne Engineering Solutions service relies on the development of a network called the ‘SolOne Network’ made up of all of the professionals who have expressly agreed to join it. Membership in the SolOne Network is free of charge.

The aim of SolOne Engineering Solutions is to use this network to bring together supply and demand between stakeholders (applicants, partners, clients, etc.) by rallying them under a name that is readily identifiable and grouping them by geographic and business sectors.

 Reseau SolOne


Joining the SolOne network means:

  • Joining a community made up of business experts, technical specialists and/or supervisors who have been acknowledged by their peers and work for large industrial companies,
  • Sharing knowledge, environments, best practices and business needs between professionals while complying with confidentiality requirements,
  • Acquiring new skills by innovating through the creation of links between skills sectors,
  • Enjoying exclusive access to career opportunities through a truly efficient co-opting policy,
  •  Significantly building up your personal network and soliciting targeted contacts to create added value for you and your company.


The significance of co-opting for the SolOne Network

For SolOne Engineering Solutions, co-opting is not a recruiting method. It is the cornerstone of our corporate strategy.

As of December 1st, 2016, 90% of our employees had been recruiting by co-opting (vs. 20% on average for companies in the sector) and 100% of all ‘co-opted’ employees were themselves actively involved in our co-opting policy. Co-opting has many advantages at SolOne Engineering Solutions:

  • It allows other professionals, all businesses combined, to access exclusive job offers and/or join a thriving company, depending on the offer in question,
  • It provides personal access to perfectly targeted and rewarding career opportunities,
  •  It offers truly motivating rewards, not only through co-opting but also by involving co-opted employees in our growth policy,
  • You participate and affirm yourself as a competent professional with the required expertise to match supply and demand,
  • You increase your knowledge and responsibilities by actively helping recruit and monitor co-opted employees.


The methodology is simple:

When SolOne Engineering Solutions is looking for a profile, we provide you with the corresponding job description.

Then the ball is in your court! You pass on the information to your professional contacts who may be interested or know other people who could qualify, whether they are former colleagues, friends, family members or Viadeo, LinkedIn or Facebook contacts.

When the recruiting has been validated, you receive your reward. When the co-opted employee recruits in turn you once again benefit from an incentive.

It’s simple, doesn’t take up much time and is truly rewarding!

To learn more or become our newest member or co-opter, please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Don’t hesitate: join the SolOne Network now!

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